All that ends well is well. 结果好,就一切都好。 英语谚语
All that ends well is well. 结果好,就一切都好。
1. False friends are worse than bitter enemies. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。
2. Guilty consciences make men cowards. 做贼心虚。
4. Business is the salt of life. 事业是人生的第一需要。bkO
5. Even Homer sometimes nods. 智者千虑,必有一失。
6. A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。
7. All good things come to an end. 天下没有不散的筵席。
8. A boaster and a liar are cousins-german. 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。
9. Fire is a good servant but a bad master. 火是一把双刃剑。
10. Constant dripping wears away a stone. 水滴石穿,绳锯木断。
11. God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。
13. Hasty love, soon cold. 一见钟情难维久。
14. A joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend. 戏谑不能化敌为友,只能使人失去朋友。
15. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。
16. All that ends well is well. 结果好,就一切都好。
17. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨。
18. Even reckoning makes long friends. 亲兄弟,明算账。