all of me all of me笑话 all of me英语笑话
all of me
Teacher: "Where were u born?" Student: "Singapore, Sir." Teacher: "Which part?" Student: "All of me, Sir."
- Idiots
- The Lone Ranger
- Men & Women: The Difference
- You’d be a 10!!!
- 2000 Darwin Award Winners
- Overworked
- Ball Study
- Green Side Up!
- Why E-mail is like a penis...
- 30 Fun Things To Do At Wal-Mart
- h to o
- Bad News
- bad news and very bad news 2
- Why A Christmas Tree Is Better Than A Women
- Phrases you wish you could use at work/school
- Misc Politics
- Yo mama so ugly...
- how did shakespeare write master pieces?
- Men and their tools!
- Paint the Porch
- Rules Men Wish Women Knew
- More...Lawyer Quickies
- Men’s Advice To Women
- Redneck Etiquette
笑话大全为您提供all of me,all of me笑话,all of me英语笑话,Teacher:"Wherewereuborn?"Student:"Singapore,Sir."Teacher:&qu...