10 Ways to Tell If Your Company is Going Under 10 Ways to Tell If Your Company is Going Under笑话 10 Ways to Tell If Your Company is Going Under英语笑话
10 Ways to Tell If Your Company is Going Under
1. They start paying everyone in sea shells.
2. The Dairy Queen on the corner is threatening a hostile takeover.
3. When you say, "See you tomorrow," the watchman laughs uncontrollably.
4. The chairman walks by your desk and says, "Hey, Hey! Easy on the staples!"
5. The initials of your company are "G.M."
6. Conference room has been turned into chinchilla farm.
7. Conversations at the water cooler are mainly with yourself.
8. Your boss casually asks you if you know anything about starting fires.
9. You get a lot of memos in Japanese.
10. Your boss asks you not to cash your check until next week.
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笑话大全为您提供10 Ways to Tell If Your Company is Going Under,10 Ways to Tell If Your Company is Going Under笑话,10 Ways to Tell If Your Company is Going Under英语笑话,1.Theystartpayingeveryoneinseashells.2.TheDairyQueenonthecorneristhreateningahos...